Cels are being sold through a variety of channels*:
In stores
Mandarake まんだらけ
Multiple locations
Mandarake also sells Cels in its online store and through its online auctions (see more information below)
Apple Symphony アップルシンフォニー
Nakano Broadway, 52 Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
164-0001 東京都 中野区 中野 5 52 15 ブロードウェイ
Apple Symphony also sells a selection of its Cels online through Yahoo! Japan (see more information below).
Please check opening hours of the store on its website prior to visiting as it varies from time to time.
Saco Anime
神奈川県 藤沢市 遠藤 642-1 ザ・パインズⅠ2階F1室
Tel: 0466-47-7119
The second branch of this store in Room 408 of Nakano Broadway has closed and is now replaced with 2D Gallery (see below).
2D Gallery
Nakano Broadway 4/f, 52 Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
This store opened in January 2025.
Nakano Broadway 4/f, 52 Nakano City, Tokyo 164-0001, Japan
This store has closed.
Storefront of Apple Symphony
(Photo taken by Tommy Tytunovich)
Saco Anime
taken from http://saco.main.jp/

2D Gallery
taken from https://twitter.com/saco_anime
Auction (Online / Physical)
Yahoo! Auction Japan ヤフオク
Yahoo JP only accepts Japanese customers - it requires a Japanese telephone number for registration. Most sellers also only ship within Japan. You may need to use a proxy service to bid on Yahoo JP.
Please be beware that certain sellers are known to be selling fake Cels / purporting to sell Cels that they do not in fact own / fail to deliver purchases. Always check the number of reviews a seller has and whether those are genuine reviews (e.g. watch out for repeatedly identical comments). It is often very difficult to make a successful claim against a seller, especially when proxy services are used.
Mandarake まんだらけ
Mandarake holds "Everyday Auctions" every day and "ZENBU Big Web Auctions" (held at the beginning of January, March, May, July, September and November each year).
Items of the next Big Auction can be found in their catalog. Items are available for viewing online and biding 15 days prior to the first day of the next auction. Big Auction requires a registration fee of 500 yen - this needs to be paid before any bids can be made on Big Auction items.
Heritage Auctions
Heritage Auction holds Cel auctions every once in a while. Online bidding is accepted.
Tokyo Cultural Auction
Held annually. Only accepts bidding in person and absentee bids (i.e. not online bidding).
Other Auction Houses
Sotheby's, Bonham's, Mainichi, Tokyo Chuo have all held Cel auctions in the past.
Mandarake Big Auction No. 108 - Catalog
Updates frequently
Asylum Anime
Anime Link
You can asked to be included in their mailing list. Administrator will send updates / anticipated updates through emails.
Updates almost daily
Also only accepts Japanese customers - requires a Japanese telephone number for registration. Would require use of proxy services.

Promotional Material for Sotheby's "Anime Go"
Private Collectors
Purchasing from private collectors directly.
Website containing galleries of many Cel collectors. The website was set up many (many) years ago so a lot collectors have already "abandoned" their galleries, but still worthwhile trying to contact the gallery owner by using the feedback form.
Anime Beta
For Sale page contains latest sales by collectors. Other pages also contain useful information on Cels.
💸 Anime Cel Collectors 💸 - Buy, Sell, Trade, Search (Facebook Group)
Collectors post their items in this Facebook Group.
Discord Group (Chinese speaking only)
Group of collectors sharing their collection, insight and market intelligence.
Conventions, instagram, individual online galleries etc.
* This page is for information only. We do not provide any guarantee on the authenticity and/or condition of any Cels sold through these sources and shall not be held liable for any losses and/or damages incurred in respect of any purchase(s).